q: The Irony of Truth

"The irony of unpleasant truth ..."

Define Oneself

"Only those that revel in self-victimization ..."


"The victim falsely believes they are powerless ..."

Mother, is there a God?

"Child, what security you derive from God ..."

q: Common Atrocity

"Nearly all that condemn the atrocities of past ..."

q: Insanity & Enlightenment

"The only difference between insanity and enlightenment ..."

Abstract Solutions

"That which solves a problem is not necessarily ..."

q: Those Shiny Things

"Women pursue commitment as men pursue sex ..."

q: Humility in Betrayal

"The quickest path to recovery from abandonment is ..."

q: Inevitable Ends

"Breed not with those you match, but with those that...."