Produced in 2004, ‘The Tragedy of Clementine Lee’ was a short film created and directed by Robin Murarka starring the perfect Clementine, Jennifer Geneva Brown. Stored on digital tapes due to other priorities, it was edited and finished nearly seven years later. This album contains all of the emotive tracks contained in the film as well as a number of tracks that were inspired by it but are not in the actual film.
Highly varied and emotive, the music for the film captures a sense of impending doom while deeply accessing the gentle hope that such an outcome may yet be averted. ‘Clem’ is a 23 minute track that thematically swirls around the titular character’s hope, innocence, and woeful loveliness.
Drought – 4:57
Hello and Goodbye – 5:47
Midnight Soul – 0:59
Hope in Woe – 3:59
The End Approaches – 1:00
Losing Myself – 4:08
Tick Tock – 1:53
Goodbye Clementine – 3:25
Darkness – 2:27
I, Untitled – 2:51
Clem – 22:59
Inessential Eyes – 4:25
All songs are in MP3 format at 320kbps with ID3 tagging. Download is provided as a 136MB ZIP file. All proceeds from sales via the shop go directly to supporting the artist. ‘The Tragedy of Clementine Lee’ soundtrack is not available for purchase anywhere else.
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